May 9, Tabiano Castello

In the morning, we packed our things and checked out, ready to take the bus to our next lodgings in Siena. But we then received word that our bus had broken down, and that a replacement was hours away. On the bright side, we still had access to bathrooms, seating, and even coffee, and the weather was pleasant.

Up the hill from the hotel is Castle Tabiano, which we had only been able to get glimpses of from the outside. The castle is a private residence, but parts are open for paid tours on a schedule, and we were given the opportunity to take an expanded tour outside the normal times.

Tabiano Castello

Tabiano Castello

Tabiano Castello

View of our hotel from Tabiano Castello
View of our hotel from the castle

Tabiano Castello

Tiffany lamp at Tabiano Castello

Tabiano Castello

Tabiano Castello

Returning from our tour we were greeted by the news that the bus had been fixed after all, and it shortly arrived to collect us. But before we left, I had to say goodbye to the residents.


Tabiano Castello

Because of the delayed start, the planned visit to a saffron farm had to be skipped. The other event of the day was to be a walking tour of Siena, but as we had done one of these just months earlier, and Bud and Gingy were already familiar with Siena, we skipped the tour and just browsed the shops. For our experiences in Siena, see here, but enjoy a couple of photos I took during our time there this trip.

Dog and cat street in Siena
Dog and cat street
