April 24, Alter do Chão

We checked out of our Elvas hotel and started the drive back to Lisbon. Along the way we spent quite a bit of time at a horse stud farm in Alter do Chão. The day we arrived was quite busy there, as an auction of horses was going to take place, and there was also a show of Portuguese Water Dogs. We first watched horses going through their paces in the ring, were walked through displays about the history of horse breeding, and then into the stables.

Alter do Chão stud farm

Alter do Chão stud farm

Alter do Chão stud farm

Alter do Chão stud farm

Alter do Chão stud farm

In addition to horses and dogs, there were also falcons! A falcon trainer gave a lengthy talk about the various birds she trains and how the training is done. Unfortunately, she gave the entire talk in Portuguese, while English speakers had to stand and wait until she was done before she switched to English. More often, when there is a mixed language group, the guides alternate languages.

Alter do Chão stud farm

Alter do Chão stud farm

After this, we continued to Lisbon and checked in to the same hotel we had been in at the start of the trip.